
How to find work when you really don’t care anymore?

I'm coming up to a year unemployed now, I don't really live much of a life at all I just survive, pay the bills and stay inside. I have no motivation in finding a job, riddled with social anxiety I really hate talking to people and meeting new people all together. I'm 30 now, believe it or not from 18 to 29 I worked my arse off and trained as an aircraft mechanic. Last Feb had a bit of a breakdown and just left instantly as I couldn't take it anymore. With a year off work I don't know how I'm going to get back into working world. It's going to be incredibly hard to find a aviation job being out of work for a year due to harsh competition and too be honest it just burns me out and makes me even more miserable. It's taken me a year…

I'm coming up to a year unemployed now, I don't really live much of a life at all I just survive, pay the bills and stay inside. I have no motivation in finding a job, riddled with social anxiety I really hate talking to people and meeting new people all together.

I'm 30 now, believe it or not from 18 to 29 I worked my arse off and trained as an aircraft mechanic. Last Feb had a bit of a breakdown and just left instantly as I couldn't take it anymore.

With a year off work I don't know how I'm going to get back into working world. It's going to be incredibly hard to find a aviation job being out of work for a year due to harsh competition and too be honest it just burns me out and makes me even more miserable. It's taken me a year to get to a reasonable level of mental health again so I don't want mess myself up instantly.

Will a employer in the UK just laugh at me if I apply for jobs I'm overqualified for by miles like warehouse work? I just want to coast along, I really don't care about career or money. I need very little to be happy and I currently have everything I need. The money I get will just pay bill, pay for child coming up end of year and the odd piece of interest that a buy every couple of months.

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