I'll start…
Back in 2014 i was in between jobs and needed rent money i was applying to basic places i.e foor resturants and retailers. Well i got a interview from a local game stop shop, all was normal until she asked a basic question that i will never forget. The queation was simple for a video game retailer, the question was “what game are you most looking forward to in the next year?” Now at the time a fallout 4 was announced and was well along the way (probably no more than 3 months from release). I told them just that, i was hyped for fallout 4 how i love the series and completely nerded out. The interviewer let me speak my piece and really let roll with it to really show my compassion, after everything was said and done she took a few seconds pause turned back to the cracked open door and yelled “HEY [Associate] HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ANSWERED FALLOUT 4?!”. i just hear laughter from the other room they both just laugh and pretty mich spend the rest of the interview degrading me and making fun of me i was mortified. Needless to say i never got a call back from them for a second interview or employment but honestly i hear theyre shit anyways (long hours, min. Pay, shit managment, the whole 9). But hey…..GME to the moon.
Im sure there are a lot worse stories out there so let us hear them.