
CEO calls employees Valued and Covenanted

I do tech support. Right now I am listening to the company wide town hall, but this time management has dictated that we have to stay available on the phones for the meeting instead of getting to be like the rest of the company in the meeting. So how are the employees valued again? Is that a sign of changing from tech support job to a call center one? ​ Company is in tech/health care and according to the big boss, “Bob”, is doing great with revenue at record levels and ahead of forecast. Revenue is up year-over-year and from last quarter. The EIBTA is on target to budget forecast. In other words business is good. ​ But they won't institute a yearly cost-of-living adjustment. Won't offer raises more than 1-4%, if you get anything at all. Nothing.

I do tech support. Right now I am listening to the company wide town hall, but this time management has dictated that we have to stay available on the phones for the meeting instead of getting to be like the rest of the company in the meeting. So how are the employees valued again? Is that a sign of changing from tech support job to a call center one?

Company is in tech/health care and according to the big boss, “Bob”, is doing great with revenue at record levels and ahead of forecast. Revenue is up year-over-year and from last quarter. The EIBTA is on target to budget forecast. In other words business is good.

But they won't institute a yearly cost-of-living adjustment. Won't offer raises more than 1-4%, if you get anything at all. Nothing.

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