
Got an interview request and then they ghosted me after I told them my availability

I sent this company my resume, as they pay significantly more than what I’m making now. They responded back saying they wanted to set up an interview and what time I’m available. I proceeded to list 3 days with multiple hours long blocks I could do it. They never responded. This was yesterday. Today, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they just got busy and forgot to respond. So I sent another email first thing this morning. It’s now noon and still haven’t gotten a response. If this is how they treat people before they even get hired maybe I dodged a bullet.

I sent this company my resume, as they pay significantly more than what I’m making now. They responded back saying they wanted to set up an interview and what time I’m available.

I proceeded to list 3 days with multiple hours long blocks I could do it. They never responded. This was yesterday.

Today, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they just got busy and forgot to respond. So I sent another email first thing this morning. It’s now noon and still haven’t gotten a response.

If this is how they treat people before they even get hired maybe I dodged a bullet.

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