
Boss told me I couldn’t go to the bathroom without “risking it”.

I work a security checkpoint in a shit hole inside of Georgia. Basically my job consists of logging in and out keys, opening and closing a road block, and checking in and out trucks. It pays like shit at $10 an hour, but it’s a pretty easy job if it wasn’t for the distance to the bathroom, which takes me about 5 minutes to leave the guard shack, do my business then get back. Problem is if a car comes through and I’m not there, the boss hears about it. If a truck drives through while I’m not there, my boss definitely hears about it. So every time I go to the bathroom i basically take the chance of missing a truck and getting reprimanded, which is what happened yesterday. I went to the bathroom at the same time as a couple cars came through, and apparently they complained and…

I work a security checkpoint in a shit hole inside of Georgia.

Basically my job consists of logging in and out keys, opening and closing a road block, and checking in and out trucks.

It pays like shit at $10 an hour, but it’s a pretty easy job if it wasn’t for the distance to the bathroom, which takes me about 5 minutes to leave the guard shack, do my business then get back.

Problem is if a car comes through and I’m not there, the boss hears about it. If a truck drives through while I’m not there, my boss definitely hears about it.

So every time I go to the bathroom i basically take the chance of missing a truck and getting reprimanded, which is what happened yesterday.

I went to the bathroom at the same time as a couple cars came through, and apparently they complained and now I’ve gotten reprimanded. For going to the bathroom.

I asked them what I could do instead, and he said I could either pee in a cup or piss in a ditch next to the road. Otherwise I risk missing something and getting reprimanded.

When I told an employee that it’s a workers right to go to the bathroom, they told me Georgia is a “at will state” and that I can be fired for going to the bathroom if they wanted to.

What can I do bout is? So tired of this shit.

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