
Ghosted after 2 interviews and a 2.5 hour shadow?

I did 2 interviews for this job that has my skill requirements. The second interview with the managers went really well and they had me do a 2.5 hour shadow to get to know people and what the job entails. It seemed like everyone was friendly and it would be a good fit for me. But now I haven't heard anything from the recruiter or manager. I sent an email and a voicemail asking for a status update and still nothing… My friend who had applied to this place for a different job was rejected in a kind email, but I feel like I am being ghosted… This job did not have a lot of applicants as it is kind of specialized. I thought I nailed everything and seemed like the ideal candidate, but now I only get radio silence. Have other people experienced this?

I did 2 interviews for this job that has my skill requirements. The second interview with the managers went really well and they had me do a 2.5 hour shadow to get to know people and what the job entails. It seemed like everyone was friendly and it would be a good fit for me. But now I haven't heard anything from the recruiter or manager. I sent an email and a voicemail asking for a status update and still nothing… My friend who had applied to this place for a different job was rejected in a kind email, but I feel like I am being ghosted… This job did not have a lot of applicants as it is kind of specialized. I thought I nailed everything and seemed like the ideal candidate, but now I only get radio silence. Have other people experienced this?

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