
Work is refusing to pay out sick leave because I put in my two weeks notice :)

I work audit/front desk at a hotel. I'm the most reliable and senior FD agent there, I trained literally everyone else on my team. In the year and a bit I've been here, I've called out 4 times, maybe 5. Hence, I have a lot of sick leave saved. I put in my two weeks notice on the 10th, with my last day being the 24th. Very long story short, I found a new job that is a typical 9-5 that I won't have to break my back over every single day. Two days after I put in my notice, two very shady groups checked in. Another very long story short, they have been sexually, emotionally, and physically abusing all of the staff and should have been evicted day one but instead stayed for an entire week and then were allowed to extend their stay. Every FD agent was pushed…

I work audit/front desk at a hotel. I'm the most reliable and senior FD agent there, I trained literally everyone else on my team. In the year and a bit I've been here, I've called out 4 times, maybe 5. Hence, I have a lot of sick leave saved.

I put in my two weeks notice on the 10th, with my last day being the 24th. Very long story short, I found a new job that is a typical 9-5 that I won't have to break my back over every single day. Two days after I put in my notice, two very shady groups checked in. Another very long story short, they have been sexually, emotionally, and physically abusing all of the staff and should have been evicted day one but instead stayed for an entire week and then were allowed to extend their stay. Every FD agent was pushed to their breaking point and had meltdowns sobbing in the back office.

I have split days off. I called out on my one floater shift two days in advance, wanting to take a mental health long weekend to recover from that fucking circus. This hasn't been a problem before, I've done it twice and got my sick leave approved for both. I just got my pay stub though, and it wasn't approved.

Over my long weekend I caught a nasty cold. I don't get sick often, but when I do I'm wrecked for a week or more. I had been saving my 30+ hours of sick leave for this very moment, but it won't be approved because I'm in my last two weeks. I'm still an employee until the 24th, I feel like I have a right to use my sick leave. I can't afford to just ditch and lose out on a weeks worth of pay until I start my new job, but I need the rest so I can get over this sickness before I start.

Anyways, now I'm hacking and dying in the back office, trying to get my work done between the unbearable pain in my throat and bouts of nausea. My boss gets here in the morning, roughly 4 hours from now. Fuck, I can't wait to be done with night shifts. I'm tired of constantly being thrown under the bus. I can't wait until she gets here so I can ask wtf is wrong with using my sick leave that I earned.

Anyways vent over

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