
My boss’s father grabbed me by the wrist twice

My last day was yesterday so now I’m going to rant. I’m a 22 year old woman who got a job at a small bakery directly out of college where usually it was just myself and the owner expect occasionally, her parents would come in to help out. One day, when I was serving something into a box, her father decided he didn’t like what I was doing and grabbed my wrist to make me stop. It made me deeply uncomfortable especially as a survivor of domestic abuse but I tried to put it behind me. Then it happened again about an hour later and I couldn’t ignore it. So I pulled my boss aside and calmly told her “your father has grabbed my wrist twice today when I was doing something he didn’t like. While I’m okay with verbal feedback, being touched like that makes me very uncomfortable and…

My last day was yesterday so now I’m going to rant. I’m a 22 year old woman who got a job at a small bakery directly out of college where usually it was just myself and the owner expect occasionally, her parents would come in to help out.
One day, when I was serving something into a box, her father decided he didn’t like what I was doing and grabbed my wrist to make me stop. It made me deeply uncomfortable especially as a survivor of domestic abuse but I tried to put it behind me. Then it happened again about an hour later and I couldn’t ignore it. So I pulled my boss aside and calmly told her “your father has grabbed my wrist twice today when I was doing something he didn’t like. While I’m okay with verbal feedback, being touched like that makes me very uncomfortable and I was wondering if you could talk to him about it.” She assured me he “didn’t mean anything by it” (which of course doesn’t really matter but whatever) and she goes to the back to talk to him.
A few minutes later she calls me back to face her and both of her parents and says “my father doesn’t remember ever touching you, can you tell us all what happened.” So I am now on the defensive in a he-said-she-said with my boss’s 75 year old father. I told him exactly when it happened and that it made me uncomfortable to which he responded “you need to listen to me and not take things so seriously, come on, don’t take this so seriously.”
I walked back to the front and held back my tears wondering if I should’ve just shut my mouth to avoid this entire situation.
Then, to add insult to injury, my boss hands me a sheet of paper when I come in the next morning and tells me to sign it. This paper stated “boss’s father touched the employee and she became triggered, father apologized.” This wasn’t accurate (he grabbed me and he never apologized) but I signed it anyway because the entire situation made me so fucking uncomfortable and I just wanted it to stop. My boss then leaves that sheet of paper next to the register all day so I have to see it every time I check a customer out.

TLDR: my boss’s father (who isn’t even an employee) grabbed me by the wrist twice, denied it, then made me feel like it was all my fault with the help of his daughter, my employer. I’m so glad to be out of there and if something like that happens at my next job, I’m walking out without notice.

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