
Even in the early 1800’s there were those who were against the grind.

The French novelist Honoré de Balzac despaired of being “a clerk, a machine…, eating and drinking and sleeping at fixed hours. I should be like everyone else. And that's what they call living, that life at the grindstone, doing the same thing over and over again…. I am hungry and nothing is offered to appease my appetite.” That, my friends, is why I live the life I do. He just put it into words better than I ever could.

The French novelist Honoré de Balzac despaired of being “a clerk, a machine…, eating and drinking and sleeping at fixed hours. I should be like everyone else. And that's what they call living, that life at the grindstone, doing the same thing over and over again…. I am hungry and nothing is offered to appease my appetite.”
That, my friends, is why I live the life I do. He just put it into words better than I ever could.

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