
Mini rant

I swear the reason these older people have issues is not because of work. It’s that they are done working. They retire, but they’ve never known much outside of work. Work and coming home was all that mattered. No hobbies, no family, nothing mattered more. So now that they can’t work, either due to age or their own wanting, so they have nothing left in their lives….So they grow bitter. Bitter they can’t work. Bitter that young people can and ‘refuse’ to. Their very lives revolved around working and they are SHOCKED others aren’t. They stew in this bitterness internally. They see teenagers having fun instead of working, they see young adults paying 8 bucks for a small little joy like a coffee instead of hoarding it away. Then…then we get to anger. They scream! They scream about how they wasted their very existence at work, their youth, their lives,…

I swear the reason these older people have issues is not because of work. It’s that they are done working.

They retire, but they’ve never known much outside of work. Work and coming home was all that mattered. No hobbies, no family, nothing mattered more. So now that they can’t work, either due to age or their own wanting, so they have nothing left in their lives….So they grow bitter.

Bitter they can’t work. Bitter that young people can and ‘refuse’ to. Their very lives revolved around working and they are SHOCKED others aren’t.

They stew in this bitterness internally. They see teenagers having fun instead of working, they see young adults paying 8 bucks for a small little joy like a coffee instead of hoarding it away. Then…then we get to anger.

They scream! They scream about how they wasted their very existence at work, their youth, their lives, their relationships. Anything that wasn’t work was a waste of time, which is funny of course. They worked all their lives for this retirement, worked from age 15 or so til now for those nice houses, cars, wealth, but what did it get them?

Nothing. It may have gotten them things we will never afford, but the issue is the ‘after’. After retirement, they have nothing. Sure, they can do whatever they want now. They are old and free of worry. But what about hobbies? They never had interest in things like that. Or time.

It’s sad, truly. These people wasted their lives to work to pay for retirement, but I feel they forget that retirement is not just death. You have to do other things too. Like painting, learning, growing. Things that interest you. And they have 30 years at most to do that nothing and then make it other people’s problems.

It’s not working or young people not working that makes them go apeshit. It’s the fact they are not working and have nothing to do after work is gone.

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