
Another Freakin’ One-Way Interview & Another Snappy Retort

got another request for a one-way video interview today. i’m very disappointed because i was really interested in this company. i feel we have a duty to ourselves and our fellow job-seekers to call these companies out on their BS and let them know exactly why we are not responding. so this was today’s response: “i really want to work for your company, but i don’t do one way video interviews. i’m sorry. i simply do not believe that a canned, amateur video production is a relevant way to evaluate candidates for a public-facing position requiring personality, engagement and empathy. why does the company feel the need to “see” candidates, without actually having to meet them? i can’t find anything positive in the possible answers that run through my mind. please feel free to pass my comments on”

got another request for a one-way video interview today. i’m very disappointed because i was really interested in this company.

i feel we have a duty to ourselves and our fellow job-seekers to call these companies out on their BS and let them know exactly why we are not responding. so this was today’s response:

“i really want to work for your company, but i don’t do one way video interviews. i’m sorry.

i simply do not believe that a canned, amateur video production is a relevant way to evaluate candidates for a public-facing position requiring personality, engagement and empathy. why does the company feel the need to “see” candidates, without actually having to meet them? i can’t find anything positive in the possible answers that run through my mind.

please feel free to pass my comments on”

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