
I did a “I resign, effective immediately” today and it feels great.

From a large healthcare organization. This is the straw that broke the camels back. There is a large project that needs to be completed by me. The project involves moving and setting up hundreds of pounds of equipment. There wasn't any major urgency to get this done soon, and I was making some progress over time. I even shared a timeline with expectations with the new manager, with the major blocker being awaiting shipments to come in. My timeline was that it would be done by next friday. My team is spread across multiple different offices. There are only two people on my team in this office: me and the new manager. We have been remote for the past few years and we recently are required to come into the office a few days per week. Well, I am required to do so – my manager doesn't have this requirement.…

From a large healthcare organization. This is the straw that broke the camels back.

There is a large project that needs to be completed by me. The project involves moving and setting up hundreds of pounds of equipment. There wasn't any major urgency to get this done soon, and I was making some progress over time. I even shared a timeline with expectations with the new manager, with the major blocker being awaiting shipments to come in. My timeline was that it would be done by next friday.

My team is spread across multiple different offices. There are only two people on my team in this office: me and the new manager. We have been remote for the past few years and we recently are required to come into the office a few days per week. Well, I am required to do so – my manager doesn't have this requirement.

The new manager has been sharply raising the urgency of the big project. Yesterday, he spent about ten minutes in a fifteen minute webex telling my team how disappointed he was that I wasn't doing my job. He, once again, raised the urgency so the task was to be completed by next Monday, not next Friday.

I found out why he was so adamant that this gets completed before next Friday. A trusted person on my team filled me in (worker's solidarity). Turns out he was planning on firing me then. Checking his calendar verified this – he had a meeting with an HR representative on Friday with a reminder to the IT team just called “disable.”

Suddenly it all made sense. He was planning on firing me and wanted this project completed before then. Specifically, he didn't want to be left with the responsibility of finishing it himself.

This morning I had a meeting with him. Before he started, I asked him directly: “Are you firing me?” He stammered for a bit and asked him again. He said “I'm not sure, I have a meeting with HR to go over metrics…” to which I started with my formal resignation. I didn't say much, left it open and cordial, then left the meeting.

I sent a quick email to HR informing them I quit and left.

I closed my laptop. My phone has been vibrating like crazy.

Tldr: Manager wants to fire me but doesn't want to complete a big project. He wants me to complete the project so he doesn't have to after firing me. I quit. He sad.

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