
Big Corporations need to go or be forced to comply with a new set of rules.

I've had enough of it, and so has everyone else. I'm tired of big corporations owned by few taking over most of the business that was once owned by regular people like you and I. They came in with cheaper prices because they got everything cheaper in mass bulk from pee in the bucket wages in another country. So much that local average people in this country couldn't possibly compete because all those local businesses all bought from other local businesses that have to follow laws , and have proper worker safety, and comply with minimum wage standards whereis the other countries where these big corps buy from don't have to follow any rules we follow. They have workers in a steel mill coming in with Sandles breathing in toxic fumes for 23 cents an hr. Of COURSE the price is cheaper. I want everyone reading this to one day…

I've had enough of it, and so has everyone else.

I'm tired of big corporations owned by few taking over most of the business that was once owned by regular people like you and I.

They came in with cheaper prices because they got everything cheaper in mass bulk from pee in the bucket wages in another country. So much that local average people in this country couldn't possibly compete because all those local businesses all bought from other local businesses that have to follow laws , and have proper worker safety, and comply with minimum wage standards whereis the other countries where these big corps buy from don't have to follow any rules we follow. They have workers in a steel mill coming in with Sandles breathing in toxic fumes for 23 cents an hr.

Of COURSE the price is cheaper.

I want everyone reading this to one day own their own business. So here is my set of rules for every major corporation in America.

1 You are only allowed to buy your products from US owned businesses.

This will cost them WAY MORE MONEY!
So much more that they will have no choice but to raise their prices and when they do raise their prices, people like you and I will have a much easier time competing with them should we ever decide to start a business.

2 Monopoly Tax

You're a major corporation that took over most of the “fill in name here” sector? Well. That's a monopoly.
Your taxes are raised, and now you have to raise prices even further. This will knock you down even more so that regular people will have a better chance at owning their own business instead of working for your ass at Min wage.

3 each one of your locations can only buy products from that location area.

Want to open up another Mega Walmart in a small town with several grocery stores? Well, now you have to buy from the same place they do.

Good luck.

If want all our towns to be flooded with small locally owned stores again….this is how it has to be.

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