
I hate working multiple jobs.

It's difficult to get jobs in my field. The jobs that I have a chance at getting only offer 15-20 hours a week and pay $15 an hour. That's not going to pay my rent. So here I am working two retail-adjacent jobs, with higher pay, and still just getting by. Why did I go to college when entry level jobs in my field want advanced degrees, with years of experience, for minimum wage? Why do other jobs make it so difficult to get full time work and offer a living wage? Wasn't minimum wage originally intended to be a living wage?

It's difficult to get jobs in my field. The jobs that I have a chance at getting only offer 15-20 hours a week and pay $15 an hour. That's not going to pay my rent.

So here I am working two retail-adjacent jobs, with higher pay, and still just getting by.

Why did I go to college when entry level jobs in my field want advanced degrees, with years of experience, for minimum wage? Why do other jobs make it so difficult to get full time work and offer a living wage? Wasn't minimum wage originally intended to be a living wage?

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