
If all 2.4 million readers of this subreddit took a month off work…

Two months off work… hell make it a year. It’d be tough for us, we’d have to make a lot of sacrifices, lean on loved ones. But just imagine. We are plumbers and electricians. Food service workers and engineers. Health care workers, fire fighters, janitors, cashiers, flight attendants, factory workers, delivery people and everything in between. At the risk of sounding too Tyler Durden: We run this god damned country. If we decide it’s not working for us, and just stopped working, the world would stop turning. Literally. The wheels of commerce would come to a screeching halt. The billionaires and entrepreneurs who have crowned themselves “owners” of the products of our labor would be bent over, bare-assed and begging. The narrative would change very quickly, and I’m betting our complaints and ideas, which until now have been written off as fanciful idealism/pure evil, when it’s not fallen on deaf…

Two months off work… hell make it a year. It’d be tough for us, we’d have to make a lot of sacrifices, lean on loved ones. But just imagine.

We are plumbers and electricians. Food service workers and engineers. Health care workers, fire fighters, janitors, cashiers, flight attendants, factory workers, delivery people and everything in between.

At the risk of sounding too Tyler Durden: We run this god damned country. If we decide it’s not working for us, and just stopped working, the world would stop turning. Literally. The wheels of commerce would come to a screeching halt. The billionaires and entrepreneurs who have crowned themselves “owners” of the products of our labor would be bent over, bare-assed and begging.

The narrative would change very quickly, and I’m betting our complaints and ideas, which until now have been written off as fanciful idealism/pure evil, when it’s not fallen on deaf ears, would be put into action.

Just think about it. If we all organized like they’ve done in France. If even just the millions of us reading this sub decided that we weren’t gonna take it anymore.

We can force the change, and make no mistake, there will be no change unless we force it. There’s no questions we hold all the power. The questions is: Can we wield it?

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