
Bad Review score?

So I got a text from my GM. Apparently our store has a 3.75 review score out of 5. She wants us to go on and write a good review of the store. I’ma pass. First off I always read reviews of my job sites. The bad reviews were from 6 months to a year+ ago. I’ve been at my store oh about 3 months. There’s a clear time frame when it was bad service & their just NOW worried about it. As it stands their lying to our customers. Me leaving a good review is NOT going to change how our customers overall see the store. People will not come to a store because an employee says it’s great. They’ll come because another actual customer likes it. Sorry I can’t in good conscience lie out my ass by writing a review that I know is a bunch of bull.

So I got a text from my GM. Apparently our store has a 3.75 review score out of 5. She wants us to go on and write a good review of the store. I’ma pass. First off I always read reviews of my job sites. The bad reviews were from 6 months to a year+ ago. I’ve been at my store oh about 3 months. There’s a clear time frame when it was bad service & their just NOW worried about it. As it stands their lying to our customers. Me leaving a good review is NOT going to change how our customers overall see the store. People will not come to a store because an employee says it’s great. They’ll come because another actual customer likes it. Sorry I can’t in good conscience lie out my ass by writing a review that I know is a bunch of bull.

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