
View point from a Conservative business owner.

Many of the posts and activity I see here are from a left point of view. No disrespect, just an observation. However, I figured I'd chime in with a different perspective. (32M) I was that guy, came from nothing. Low income city schools, fighting over lunch money and wearing the same clothes more than once a week. Pulled myself up by my boot straps, stopped feeling sorry for myself and grinded, hard. I started a construction company. I've beat this drum for 7 years. I've witnessed an annual decline in humanity since. Everything has slowly gotten worse. Depression, stupidity, entitlement, confusion and general despair. Aside from economics which have a bearing on everyone, people have lost their minds. I've never fought so hard over $200 change orders for unforeseen rot or issues behind walls. Nobody reads their contract or terms, they get angry at everything. I'm an appreciation driven person,…

Many of the posts and activity I see here are from a left point of view. No disrespect, just an observation.

However, I figured I'd chime in with a different perspective. (32M)

I was that guy, came from nothing. Low income city schools, fighting over lunch money and wearing the same clothes more than once a week.

Pulled myself up by my boot straps, stopped feeling sorry for myself and grinded, hard.

I started a construction company. I've beat this drum for 7 years.

I've witnessed an annual decline in humanity since. Everything has slowly gotten worse. Depression, stupidity, entitlement, confusion and general despair.

Aside from economics which have a bearing on everyone, people have lost their minds. I've never fought so hard over $200 change orders for unforeseen rot or issues behind walls.

Nobody reads their contract or terms, they get angry at everything. I'm an appreciation driven person, and I can't do this anymore. Money aside, working with people has ruined me and completely compromised my mental health.

All of that is aside from regulatory costs and taxes. The taxation is absolutely insane and makes it seem pointless. We're on our way to monopolies in every industry where only big dumb giant corporations will exist. A self employed business starter now, has maybe 10% of the chance at success, than someone did 50 years ago (Race/gender aside given the timeframe).

I say this with humility, I just can't understand how some of you on low, to median and even upper-median income salaries are making it. Between abusive employers, price gouging retailers and the most incompetent presidential administration in American history making it worse (not by a lot, but still 1st place). I'm having a hard time as well. And I feel bad for not just myself, but everybody reading this.

If you think starting a business will fix your worries, reconsider. Sure I've made some decent coin. But I've also lost $150,000 in 2022 alone. The costs associated with pursuing money, that you're black and white owed, is insane, and often more than the money you're after.

For what it's worth, we're all seeing the problems. Right and Left.

Unity is the answer, not division.

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