
DAE struggle with a tempermental boss?

My superior is a nice guy overall. However they very frequently have moments of emotional outbursts. Need something urgent at the wrong moment and you’ll be sure to get blasted. It doesn’t matter whose around listening or how inappropriate or embarrassing the out burst is. Everyone gets silent and just pretends it isn’t happening rather than speak up about how unacceptable it is. Go to HR like so many before you and nothing happens. A slap on the wrist, another write up. This person has been here for almost 20 years and although the common belief is anyone is replaceable this person is almost as permanent as the bricks and mortar bc of everything they are willing to take on outside of their job description. It would be hard to find someone else willing to dedicate their entire life to this place. Hours upon hours of overtime willingly invested. No…

My superior is a nice guy overall. However they very frequently have moments of emotional outbursts.

Need something urgent at the wrong moment and you’ll be sure to get blasted. It doesn’t matter whose around listening or how inappropriate or embarrassing the out burst is. Everyone gets silent and just pretends it isn’t happening rather than speak up about how unacceptable it is.

Go to HR like so many before you and nothing happens. A slap on the wrist, another write up. This person has been here for almost 20 years and although the common belief is anyone is replaceable this person is almost as permanent as the bricks and mortar bc of everything they are willing to take on outside of their job description.

It would be hard to find someone else willing to dedicate their entire life to this place. Hours upon hours of overtime willingly invested. No days off.

It’s why I think they are emotionally enmeshed to the job.

I have coworkers that have been dealing with the angry outbursts for years and years. They all hate it and complain amongst each other but have a very ‘that’s just how it is’ attitude.

The work is fairly easy, my colleagues are nice and we get along well. I make a very very good paycheck with excellent benefits considering what else is out there if I decided to switch (I’ve looked into it).

But the thought of working in fear never knowing when I’m going to set the volcano off next has me in a state of constant anxiety and I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to deal with this for.

Can anyone relate?

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