
Am I a modern day slave ?

I’m a 19 year old apprenticeship . I earn below min wage (£4.81 an hour) I earn less than what people with the same or similar jobs do To make matters worse , my supervisor doesn’t seem to want to teach me the complex skills that’s part of my course . so far all I’ve been doing is very basic stuff such as giving medication out . Kind of similar to someone at McDonalds who gives out food .. except it’s food and not meds . I don’t think even think I have a supervisor I get spoken to like shit when I ask how to do something .

I’m a 19 year old apprenticeship .

I earn below min wage (£4.81 an hour)

I earn less than what people with the same or similar jobs do

To make matters worse , my supervisor doesn’t seem to want to teach me the complex skills that’s part of my course . so far all I’ve been doing is very basic stuff such as giving medication out . Kind of similar to someone at McDonalds who gives out food .. except it’s food and not meds . I don’t think even think I have a supervisor

I get spoken to like shit when I ask how to do something .

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