
Just got fired for the first time ever

I just got fired for the first time and I'm a little blindsided by it. To give a bit of context, I never particularly enjoyed this position and was semi-actively looking for other jobs while working here, though I never let that show at work and was very diligent and did my job well. I'm upset because I wanted to be the one to leave at my own discretion and not give them the satisfaction of firing me. At this job we're never given a set lunch/dinner time and just kind of go to the back and eat when we get the chance. On Friday I brought in food I intended to eat prior to my shift but the restaurant gave me my food 25 minutes late, no big deal, I'll just eat a little earlier at work today. I get to work, clock in, and we do our shift…

I just got fired for the first time and I'm a little blindsided by it. To give a bit of context, I never particularly enjoyed this position and was semi-actively looking for other jobs while working here, though I never let that show at work and was very diligent and did my job well. I'm upset because I wanted to be the one to leave at my own discretion and not give them the satisfaction of firing me. At this job we're never given a set lunch/dinner time and just kind of go to the back and eat when we get the chance. On Friday I brought in food I intended to eat prior to my shift but the restaurant gave me my food 25 minutes late, no big deal, I'll just eat a little earlier at work today. I get to work, clock in, and we do our shift change meeting which pretty much detailed how slow it was that particular day. I then sign in to my station and ask my co-worker if I can run to the back to finish my food real quick. They said “no problem” and I went to the back to eat, about 2 minutes later my manager comes back and goes “are you seriously eating already?” I said yes, I asked my co-worker and they said it was fine. My manager then said “you didn't asses how busy it was today before you decided to come eat?” and I replied, “wasn't that what we just discussed in the meeting, the first shift said it was dead today” my manager started getting upset asking if “I was questioning their authority?” this part right here is where they kind of lost me and I kind of laughed and said “No, I am not questioning your authority” to which they said “would you like to talk to me in private about this” and I said “No it's fine, you said everything you need to say, I can go back to work” to which they said “I would prefer if you just clocked out and reflected on this” I said, “Okay.” and clocked out and went home. I was scheduled over the weekend and worked my two shifts as normal, with no further communication from management (though management doesn't work on the weekends). That brings us to today, I clocked in, worked for about 30 min before being called to the conference room where I was read a misconduct notice and was ultimately told I was being fired, I never got a chance to explain my side of the argument and they made it clear they didn't want to hear it by saying “I don't want to get into a he-said she-said, this decision is final” I just said “okay”, signed the notice and left.

The reason I am blindsided by this is because the argument did not seem like a fireable offense, a disagreement to which maybe I could've been reprimanded and we move on but it was not as serious as they made it. The conduct notice states that I “used obscene language, profane, loud tone “yelling” or abusive language towards a manager to make them feel threatened, disrespected, intimidated, and in fear of their personal safety on work premises” which simply is not true at all.

TLDR: Was fired for misconduct without warning, the termination notice makes the reasoning more severe than what actually took place.

I don't intend on appealing the termination with the company as I never liked working there anyway and couldn't imagine going back to work under that manager anyway under these circumstances. The reason I'm posting is because I'm a bit lost on where to go on from here, will this jeopardize future employment opportunities, and can I even file for unemployment in the meantime? I live in Florida, I wasn't there for 90 days, and I was essentially fired for “misconduct” despite what actually happened that's what their reasoning was. Should I even put this job on my resume and what should I say should future potential employers bring it up?

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