
Football (soccer) player wages. Other businesses should learn a lesson.

I was thinking about the arguments people make about footballers getting paid too much, but they're not really. Other companies should actually learn a thing or two. The average WTR 'wage / turnover ratio' in the English Premier League is 72%. So if a club turns over £100 million, £72 million will go to staff (player) wages. Average in other industries: Retail: 10% to 20% Construction: 20% Hospitality: 30% Manufacturing: 12% So instead of saying footballers are being paid too much, what we should actually be saying is that footballers are being paid fairly, and the rest of us should also be paid more than a pathetic percentage of our companies turnover. If Microsoft paid the same WTR of 72% on their turnover of their $198,000,000,000 turnover that would be $142,560,000,000 in staff wages. Divided equally among their 221,000 global staff would be $645,067.

I was thinking about the arguments people make about footballers getting paid too much, but they're not really. Other companies should actually learn a thing or two.

The average WTR 'wage / turnover ratio' in the English Premier League is 72%. So if a club turns over £100 million, £72 million will go to staff (player) wages.

Average in other industries:

  • Retail: 10% to 20%
  • Construction: 20%
  • Hospitality: 30%
  • Manufacturing: 12%

So instead of saying footballers are being paid too much, what we should actually be saying is that footballers are being paid fairly, and the rest of us should also be paid more than a pathetic percentage of our companies turnover.

If Microsoft paid the same WTR of 72% on their turnover of their $198,000,000,000 turnover that would be $142,560,000,000 in staff wages.

Divided equally among their 221,000 global staff would be $645,067.

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