
My manager vs. the world

Please tell me I'm not crazy; the managers act like this isn't a big deal. I work in a bakery/deli department in a supermarket. My manager (50/60sF) is such a control freak, she tries to micromanage the customers. She treats everyone like the enemy her boss, us, the customers. She hates us workers so much that she won't print the department schedule. We can individually look up our own except on the weeks that she is mad at us, and she waits until Monday or Tuesday to input it. (It's supposed to be done on Fridays. Our work week starts on Thursdays.) If she catches us talking about it, she'll say “Y'all don't need to know their schedule!” or one time she blamed me saying that she didn't need to because I memorized everyone's. Customers will want to place a cake order and I have no idea if the cake…

Please tell me I'm not crazy; the managers act like this isn't a big deal. I work in a bakery/deli department in a supermarket. My manager (50/60sF) is such a control freak, she tries to micromanage the customers. She treats everyone like the enemy her boss, us, the customers. She hates us workers so much that she won't print the department schedule. We can individually look up our own except on the weeks that she is mad at us, and she waits until Monday or Tuesday to input it. (It's supposed to be done on Fridays. Our work week starts on Thursdays.) If she catches us talking about it, she'll say “Y'all don't need to know their schedule!” or one time she blamed me saying that she didn't need to because I memorized everyone's. Customers will want to place a cake order and I have no idea if the cake decorator is on vacation or not. The deli has a hot bar, wing bar and lunch meat case. She'll say other locations only have one person closing at night to justify us not needing more help. She'll tell us to do one thing then something different five minutes later to keep us confused, I am not kidding. There's a smirk on her face. She literally does not want us to help each other. I helped a co-worker “Debbie” who is very short (two inches too tall be considered a little person) to reach something. Boss followed me and claimed I was “babying” her, and she “always plays the victim” and we “fall for it”. Yesterday, I was trying to move something and asked a guy to help. Her head immediately popped up from stocking product. She made him go stock tea instead. A few minutes later, she asked when I hadn't cleaned the thing. She even got offended that poor Debbie came back to work the day after having a seizure at work. I was supposed to close with Debbie the day she fell out. Boss stayed until six, talking about how much downtime we have at night, and we should do way more cleaning. (Thursdays are slow.) I had to take down the bars and clean all the dishes, fryers, floor and rotisserie oven by myself. She “allowed” me to leave the salad case up that night. This woman brags about having “30 years' experience” yet, she gets jealous of us giving good customer service. She doesn't want us weighing up lunch plates for customers or even wrapping them to prevent leaks. She even locked up the new digital scale we received. She keeps the old school one inside the department so they can't see how much they're spending. She hates the Stuff the Bucket program at the wing bar because she can't control how much they put into the buckets. She tries telling them it's per pound if they put too much in despite the signs saying it's per bucket. There's more but I'll break up the stories. It's a lot. I wanted to write a book, but I just want it off my chest. I don't want it to overshadow my writing career either.

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