
Just laid off, and HR told me secrets of LinkedIn

I got laid off today. It wasn't a shock. I've seen it coming for a year now. I'd been trying to do the responsible thing and find a new job before this happened with no luck. When I told HR this, they told me something wild… Pay enough money, and companies can see how many jobs you've applied for besides them, who they are, and even go so deep as to check on your browsing history. So if you've been like me applying like crazy on LinkedIn… Don't? Idk, feels wild to me how stupid the cards are stacked against you even at the front door.

I got laid off today. It wasn't a shock. I've seen it coming for a year now. I'd been trying to do the responsible thing and find a new job before this happened with no luck.

When I told HR this, they told me something wild… Pay enough money, and companies can see how many jobs you've applied for besides them, who they are, and even go so deep as to check on your browsing history.

So if you've been like me applying like crazy on LinkedIn… Don't?

Idk, feels wild to me how stupid the cards are stacked against you even at the front door.

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