I worked for almost two years for a huge security company who has a contract with my local call center which belongs to a national pharmaceutical chain.
I worked my way up from regular guard to the third in charge on the site of 10-12 guards, and a 7-3 Monday through Friday schedule. I had a chance to transfer but would have took a “demotion” and lost my weekends but maybe I should have to keep a paycheck. The past few months I’ve been putting up with a lot of passive aggressive behavior from my team lead and account manager. If I make a honest mistake I get threaten with termination outright. If my team lead takes off every week and I know he never apply for FMLA, never brings in a doctor excuse expect for once, he doesn’t get told about it. He gets mad at me when I bring it up and said he been here 4 years “I can do whatever the fuck I want”.
He even brags to me he gets paid for time off and doesn’t get docked PTO, and my account manager is still charging the business for the hours. Sounds like time theft to me……
Recently I took a mental health break for a week and a half. I went to Europe. I came back refresh. Everything was documented through/with my doctor. I was accused of faking my stomach problems and stress levels.
Couldn’t take the stress of filling in for my lead. Plus my health issues were acting up. I also come back and find out from the new girl my lead been talking shit about me the past two months. I confront him the next day and he gets pissed and said she’s the one doing it not me. This past Friday we all had it out and when it look like he was going to take my side, he finally turns on me and said to the new girl “oh by the way you don’t have to listen to Sadbear42”, even though I’m the team lead when he’s not there. Basically my authority went out the window, on top of my account manager refusing to pay me my team lead rate when I fill in. Today he came back from taking another day off and refused to talk to me. He also implied to 2nd shift I was the one spreading rumors and that’s untrue.
With some money I got coming to me plus my current savings and just got done paying off $21,000 on credit card debt, I just have my car payment, insurance and cell phone (stuck living with my parents but hey, can’t afford rent in my area). I have enough for about 9-12 months of savings.
Am I scared in a way? Sure, I worked almost two plus at one job plus all the seasonal gigs I did before this to get back on my feet from my lay off in 2019. I’m still on Medicaid as my “ backup insurance”so if I’m going to lose my job this is the time to do it so I don’t lose health insurance all together in the event the state kicks me off soon. It’s more so the money and not having a paycheck that irks me.
But you know what? I already passed up things for this job and you see how fast they turned on me. They could fire me on Friday anyhow and wouldn’t hesitant to replace me with the one who started the rumors. If I go in tomorrow and have another rough day then I’m out. Just I’m posting this for some support from my fellow redditors.