
Yesterday my supervisor offered my job to my team member. I hate this place.

Rant I have loathed my job for the last few months. Just straight out, not happy. I make do with everything. I come in, I do my job very well and I go home. I started coming in late in December which was something I planned out with a manager that they have since fired. My department had a meeting with me about it yesterday. Gave me the whole “You need to do better on attendance or else” speech, accused me of being malicious and then kept telling me “We really want you here. You’re a fantastic employee. We see all that you do.” Kept reiterating it’s not a big deal. As I was leaving work yesterday morning, I saw my supervisor pull aside one of my team members that he favors, and ask the guy if he wanted to take my position. He stated there was nothing definite but…


I have loathed my job for the last few months. Just straight out, not happy. I make do with everything. I come in, I do my job very well and I go home. I started coming in late in December which was something I planned out with a manager that they have since fired. My department had a meeting with me about it yesterday. Gave me the whole “You need to do better on attendance or else” speech, accused me of being malicious and then kept telling me “We really want you here. You’re a fantastic employee. We see all that you do.” Kept reiterating it’s not a big deal.

As I was leaving work yesterday morning, I saw my supervisor pull aside one of my team members that he favors, and ask the guy if he wanted to take my position. He stated there was nothing definite but it’s probable that it may be open in the near future. Then as he walked by me he said “oh hey,” in a snarky sarcastic passive aggressive way. Bullshit. I almost didn’t come in tonight.

I’ve busted my ass for the company despite hating it here. I literally crafted the framework over what my team does and simplified tf outta it for everybody involved. My team doesn’t even pay attention at work. I CYA a lot. This company lied to me about shift hours, pay rate, has screwed up my paycheck half a dozen times in six months, screwed me over on title, etc.

Was late tonight because of an accident on the road. Sent a picture and told them fifteen minutes early that it would make me five minutes late. I was two. Pretty sure that they’ll use this to move me out of the job. I really don’t care anymore. I hate this place. Now it’s awkward to sit here with my team bc they’re aware the company is trying to to push me out, one of them will be my successor and I’m not going to bring it up nor are they. So we sit in silence.

I hate work.

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