
Actionable Change

I’m interested in a thread discussing realistic actionable change. Obviously, we all talk a lot about the unsustainable nature of late-stage capitalism but what are the local and global actions people can realistically perform to effect change? Within the U.S. systems we need our younger Political Science aficionados to start running for office. Local office. Mayors, city council people, aldermen, comp trollers. Gerrymandering needs to be halted at local levels and government officials in cities willing to work with the other prong; union leaders. All of you angry at your jobs without unions and planning to quit…have you researched how you would start a union at your workplace? You, especially-over-it worker have the perfect power. If you are fired for forming a union, you were gonna quit anyway and maybe you help hurt that company or motivate your fellows. It is the power of numbers and that comes from the…

I’m interested in a thread discussing realistic actionable change. Obviously, we all talk a lot about the unsustainable nature of late-stage capitalism but what are the local and global actions people can realistically perform to effect change?

Within the U.S. systems we need our younger Political Science aficionados to start running for office. Local office. Mayors, city council people, aldermen, comp trollers. Gerrymandering needs to be halted at local levels and government officials in cities willing to work with the other prong; union leaders.

All of you angry at your jobs without unions and planning to quit…have you researched how you would start a union at your workplace? You, especially-over-it worker have the perfect power. If you are fired for forming a union, you were gonna quit anyway and maybe you help hurt that company or motivate your fellows.

It is the power of numbers and that comes from the bottom. We have to organize across platforms to tie our labor to our success, not our imprisonment. From local government, state governments can be redirected to serve the people. The bodies just have to be there. Find your local town subreddit, start reading and posting about YOUR public servants. Matt Gaetz isn’t redrawing the lines of my city to disenfranchise my peers, a local politician is.

What else can we think of that’s achievable? We are the 99%, let’s fucking act like we’re the most.

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