
I hate having to face the consequences of my higher ups’ decisions

So before I text this out just bear with me if this isn't the easiest to read. I have a bit of hard time translating thought to text and I might add in extra details or leave our crucial things but if you ask in the comments I will elaborate. So I'm a manager at a fast food place, I used to work closes but recently they moved me to late evenings because labor costs which is whatever, it sucks but I adapted pretty quickly which I usually don't do as quickly but to the topic at hand. There's 2 other night managers that work with me that are really close friends of mine and the other coworkers are my close friends as well. Anyway the deal is I close the two days they aren't there because the two I'm friends with are nigh inseparable. But this week I had…

So before I text this out just bear with me if this isn't the easiest to read. I have a bit of hard time translating thought to text and I might add in extra details or leave our crucial things but if you ask in the comments I will elaborate. So I'm a manager at a fast food place, I used to work closes but recently they moved me to late evenings because labor costs which is whatever, it sucks but I adapted pretty quickly which I usually don't do as quickly but to the topic at hand. There's 2 other night managers that work with me that are really close friends of mine and the other coworkers are my close friends as well. Anyway the deal is I close the two days they aren't there because the two I'm friends with are nigh inseparable. But this week I had to close 4 so far, an extra because they requested an extra day off this week and I had to fill in for them an extra day for the STUPIDEST reason. A few days ago the two of them ALMOST fell for a scam that could've lost the store money. They didn't fall for it completely they almost did. They both got suspended. One is currently in the hospital for a hand injury and when they called me to close that extra day it sounded like I was just gonna fill in for the hand injury but still have the other. But the way they were wording it sounded suspicious I asked if there was a catch but there wasn't and they'll explain more on the day I closed. However the other manager caught on to the fishiness of the situation and told me that she got suspended way before they were gonna tell me last minute. They lied to me. Now I'm assuming they want me to fill in for every day they were gonna close instead of my late evenings I was just enjoying. Why am I being punished for this? I don't wanna do this, i didn't make this decision. What should I say? What should I do? I really wanna tell them that if it was there decision to suspend both night managers they should fill in and they should reap what they sow but I don't know. Any advice or ideas?

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