WHY IS MY DIET ANYONE’S BUSINESS?! I work at a daycare, and from my experience daycares are almost always toxic environments. My coworkers know I am a vegetarian, and have a very sensitive stomach. I know what foods are safe for me to eat and if I’m feeling like I don’t want to cook a whole lot during the week and get a take and bake cheese pizza. Apparently this is the only thing my coworkers care about. They constantly ask, “what’d you bring today? Pizza?” They tell the new hires that I’m a vegetarian that only eats pizza. NOW the newest thing is that I “over salt” my foods. Coworkers are talking about my use of salt as if they have an M.D.. it has bugged me so much that I now don’t add any salt to my foods, and now food is not enjoyable.
These people are the worst I have ever worked with and I am looking for a mother job. Wish me luck that I get out of this horrible place!