
(NY) With how much I’ve had to call out sick in this new job, and with the new year having lapsed, is my slate clean or do I need to worry about being fired?

I’ve called out a lot in the past year, my first year working for this company. I think it totalled around 13-16 call-outs in the entire year, maybe more. I did not realise how sick I was during this time; was having unexplained nausea, limited work ability from severe migraines, couldn’t walk due to some back pain; all of these things conglomerated with my cholesterol and triglycerides skyrocketing at the end of the year and sending me into pancreatitis. I had to be off work for a month because my numbers kept fluctuating, I couldn’t walk for like a week of that, had so many doctors visits in follow-up that it would’ve been stupid to go back FT right then. I applied for FMLA but was denied because I hadn’t worked there a full year. Disability was under review last I left it, as was my ADA claim after being…

I’ve called out a lot in the past year, my first year working for this company. I think it totalled around 13-16 call-outs in the entire year, maybe more. I did not realise how sick I was during this time; was having unexplained nausea, limited work ability from severe migraines, couldn’t walk due to some back pain; all of these things conglomerated with my cholesterol and triglycerides skyrocketing at the end of the year and sending me into pancreatitis.

I had to be off work for a month because my numbers kept fluctuating, I couldn’t walk for like a week of that, had so many doctors visits in follow-up that it would’ve been stupid to go back FT right then. I applied for FMLA but was denied because I hadn’t worked there a full year. Disability was under review last I left it, as was my ADA claim after being denied FMLA.

My boss is a saint and has been working with me to accommodate the amount of absences I’ve had, and I did sit down with him soon after I returned to work to hash out exactly where I was in my stead there. He has said I can take as much time as I need with him, and I can transfer to another department if we can’t get me up to speed before one of our seniors retires (it’s kind of a special situation because my job requires a year and a half of DOC demonstration prior to accepting my proficiency, so I’m technically still in my training period).

I just had to go to a doctor’s appointment yesterday for a sonogram and because I was already having severe abdominal pain I was debating whether or not to go to the ER. They found a big gallstone on the ultrasound, I left and went to the ER because of my pain. The consulting surgeon has since explained they want my gallbladder out and it will be 1-2 weeks of recovery time post-op. I now have 3 follow-up visits to schedule for pre-op with my GP, gastro, and the general surgeon. I do have vacation left to use (9 days or so), no Sick really. Was working on accruing that, as I get 1hr/30hrs worked.

Am I at serious risk of being fired at this point? I’ve been keeping up with my documentation and I do have the migraine diagnosis on my chart, my job never really communicated with me whether I needed to get reasonable accommodation documentation from the ADA. I don’t know how that disability documentation works.

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