
Guild Like System – Getting It Going?

Honest Question. I live in a metro with about 2 million people and work as a software dev. I was talking to my coworker about unions, but as the conversation progressed we've got two different types of employers in the region. There are some who treat their IT staff (as well as all employees) very well. Raises are adequate and the work is reasonable. However, there are some who treat IT and all workers like garbage. And some who specifically treat IT like garbage. We were talking about getting a cross company union fired up. Negotiate better pay for all, and shut out bad employers until they can clean themselves up. We're not in Silicon Valley so 500k in annual compensation isn't going to happen here. Also thinking cross company since everyone kinda floats from company to company so being portable would be nice (benefits). How would you get something…

Honest Question.

I live in a metro with about 2 million people and work as a software dev.

I was talking to my coworker about unions, but as the conversation progressed we've got two different types of employers in the region. There are some who treat their IT staff (as well as all employees) very well. Raises are adequate and the work is reasonable.

However, there are some who treat IT and all workers like garbage. And some who specifically treat IT like garbage.

We were talking about getting a cross company union fired up. Negotiate better pay for all, and shut out bad employers until they can clean themselves up. We're not in Silicon Valley so 500k in annual compensation isn't going to happen here. Also thinking cross company since everyone kinda floats from company to company so being portable would be nice (benefits).

How would you get something like this started?

Edit: Dumped Guild language.

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