
How do you get paid your worth?

Not sure if this is the right sub to post per se, but how do you even get “properly paid” or “paid your worth” if all the jobs within the area are mostly paying under? Based on glassdoor's income range within the area, median range is $18/hr for my zip code. Yet all the job postings are $15/hr (my current wage) BUT ARE MOSTLY BELOW that pay. Then with the current economy, you should really be making above $25/hr to afford basic rent. I'm currently living with family or else I'd be homeless Job titles: admin, admin assistant, admin coordinator, accounts payable clerk, bookkeeper, etc Only a highschool graduate. But about 10+ years work experience (worked while I was in school within the field). Should I look into getting certified for anything to make my resume worth the wage I economically need? If yes, what should it even be?

Not sure if this is the right sub to post per se, but how do you even get “properly paid” or “paid your worth” if all the jobs within the area are mostly paying under?

Based on glassdoor's income range within the area, median range is $18/hr for my zip code. Yet all the job postings are $15/hr (my current wage) BUT ARE MOSTLY BELOW that pay. Then with the current economy, you should really be making above $25/hr to afford basic rent. I'm currently living with family or else I'd be homeless

Job titles: admin, admin assistant, admin coordinator, accounts payable clerk, bookkeeper, etc

Only a highschool graduate. But about 10+ years work experience (worked while I was in school within the field). Should I look into getting certified for anything to make my resume worth the wage I economically need? If yes, what should it even be?

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