
Bosses bad at communication (rant)

I’m frustrated and the stress is eating at me. This is mostly a rant but any tips or related stories are appreciated. I’m out on workers comp from an injury due to them not wanting to follow safely precautions originally put in place bc someone else had gotten hurt, (yay profits over people /s). Yesterday I had a follow up with my dr who still has me cleared for only sedentary work. I reached out to two bosses at my work to let them know what my dr said. My original position was physical, on my feet all day most of the week, but there are seated positions in a different department. I told them I would be willing to work a different position as long as it’s seated per doctors orders. And so far they’ve just ignored my text. Not even a thumbs up to let me know it…

I’m frustrated and the stress is eating at me. This is mostly a rant but any tips or related stories are appreciated. I’m out on workers comp from an injury due to them not wanting to follow safely precautions originally put in place bc someone else had gotten hurt, (yay profits over people /s). Yesterday I had a follow up with my dr who still has me cleared for only sedentary work. I reached out to two bosses at my work to let them know what my dr said. My original position was physical, on my feet all day most of the week, but there are seated positions in a different department. I told them I would be willing to work a different position as long as it’s seated per doctors orders. And so far they’ve just ignored my text. Not even a thumbs up to let me know it was received. And this is a company where employees who get hurt mysteriously never come back and their turnover rate is horrible thanks to their trigger happy firing practices. So I’m just freaking out and don’t know what’s going on.

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