
Converting from contractor to FTE. How should I proceed given a lowball base salary figure?

After almost three years at my assignment I’m in the process of converting from an agency contractor (W2) at an hourly rate, to a salaried full-time employee at the client. I was expecting a salary a little lower than the equivalent of my current hourly rate as is typically expected to account for added benefits, but the initial offer I’ve been given is at a whopping 13% lower than what my hourly rate comes out to yearly. I find this especially low given this conversion is also dovetailing into a promotion from junior to full level. I’m being asked if this figure is suitable for me; it’s clearly not, but what is the best way for me to communicate with them going forward? I’m inclined to just get on the phone with the recruiter to avoid a long email back-and-forth, but wondering if it’s in my best interest to have…

After almost three years at my assignment I’m in the process of converting from an agency contractor (W2) at an hourly rate, to a salaried full-time employee at the client.

I was expecting a salary a little lower than the equivalent of my current hourly rate as is typically expected to account for added benefits, but the initial offer I’ve been given is at a whopping 13% lower than what my hourly rate comes out to yearly. I find this especially low given this conversion is also dovetailing into a promotion from junior to full level.

I’m being asked if this figure is suitable for me; it’s clearly not, but what is the best way for me to communicate with them going forward? I’m inclined to just get on the phone with the recruiter to avoid a long email back-and-forth, but wondering if it’s in my best interest to have this conversation written out instead.

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