
If you were to offer someone who wasn’t born yet a life where you would have to work 40 hours a week until your 65, retire and hope you don’t die before that would you bother taking that “deal”?

The current way a lot of us go through life is bull crap. We work at least 75% of it if we are lucky. Then when you are finally able to retire you are put in a nursing home. Or you have family members taking care of you because you've gotten old. That leaves the rest of your 25% life to just sit around or play golf until you die off. A lot of us when asked what was the best time of our lives would probably say their childhood. Given that wasn't crap either. We weren't asked to be brought into this world and how is it “lucky” to then have to work most of your life? Just to be able to get housing and food because without land it's very hard to get that yourself if not impossible.

The current way a lot of us go through life is bull crap. We work at least 75% of it if we are lucky. Then when you are finally able to retire you are put in a nursing home. Or you have family members taking care of you because you've gotten old. That leaves the rest of your 25% life to just sit around or play golf until you die off. A lot of us when asked what was the best time of our lives would probably say their childhood. Given that wasn't crap either. We weren't asked to be brought into this world and how is it “lucky” to then have to work most of your life? Just to be able to get housing and food because without land it's very hard to get that yourself if not impossible.

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