
Feeling depressed and cynical. Why do even the best of companies get worse over time?

I don’t know if it’s covid, or this nebulous recession hanging over our heads, or what… but I’ve seen multiple companies start revoking benefits they previously offered. If there were clear and obvious problems with these things being abused, if they were somehow spending substantially more money on these benefits than expected… okay, whatever. But a lot of things make absolutely no sense to me. Forcing everyone to return to an office if they don’t need to – why? Offices cost money, and people are less productive. It’s a huge cost savings to have people work remotely if they’re able to. Cutting back on benefits like sick time, PTO – again, why? If you’re seeing output/performance issues from employees, reducing their ability to take time off and get away from their work is going to make them even less productive… The layoffs have been insane, and probably not necessary, but…

I don’t know if it’s covid, or this nebulous recession hanging over our heads, or what… but I’ve seen multiple companies start revoking benefits they previously offered.

If there were clear and obvious problems with these things being abused, if they were somehow spending substantially more money on these benefits than expected… okay, whatever. But a lot of things make absolutely no sense to me.

Forcing everyone to return to an office if they don’t need to – why? Offices cost money, and people are less productive. It’s a huge cost savings to have people work remotely if they’re able to.

Cutting back on benefits like sick time, PTO – again, why? If you’re seeing output/performance issues from employees, reducing their ability to take time off and get away from their work is going to make them even less productive…

The layoffs have been insane, and probably not necessary, but at least I can understand the rationale. Employees cost money – letting them go saves money. Fine. But all of these crazy control freak tactics? They don’t save any money and they make people unhappy and less product.

I thought companies were all about the bottom dollar. Is it really all about having control after all?

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