
Trying to go back makes me want to give up

I've worked physical labor my entire life and now I can't. [Leg injuries, 2 surgeries, even braces don't stop the muscles from locking 3-5 hours into a shift] What I have found now after being fired from my last job out of the blue is that EVERYTHING is a hesitation now. Everything is a nightmare now, not because of the times , I have hesitations about being fired again. I have worries that I'll get injured working by simply not knowing my limits. Outside of voice acting I have no immediately appreciable skills that I could do sitting. I don't have the experience to get into office work. I don't know where the hell I should be looking for something to do till I establish a career in what I can do. Toss needing health and dental into the mix and Fuck it even if I wasn't paying rent I'd…

I've worked physical labor my entire life and now I can't. [Leg injuries, 2 surgeries, even braces don't stop the muscles from locking 3-5 hours into a shift]

What I have found now after being fired from my last job out of the blue is that EVERYTHING is a hesitation now. Everything is a nightmare now, not because of the times , I have hesitations about being fired again. I have worries that I'll get injured working by simply not knowing my limits.

Outside of voice acting I have no immediately appreciable skills that I could do sitting. I don't have the experience to get into office work. I don't know where the hell I should be looking for something to do till I establish a career in what I can do.

Toss needing health and dental into the mix and Fuck it even if I wasn't paying rent I'd still NEED more money then what's offered just to live.

And I'm so tired of the run around , the rules companies make up that are nowhere in the law and time wasted in a interview where I know more then the person interviewing me , that I've come to hate the idea so much that from now on when I'm done with a job I'm just leaving , no notice , no 2 weeks , no talk. When I'm done I'm done because I spent 17 years working as a number in more fields then I can count .

Carpenter, mechanic, retail, grocer, Manager, online sales, contractor, contracted. it goes on and on and on….

What I truly despise is that I can't and don't want a future of sitting around doing nothing but work has made the idea of going back to work so grizzly and distasteful I hate the thought of it.

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