
I set a personal record of “not my monkey, not my zoo” yesterday… and it felt great!

I'm not a data scientist. I'm a financial analyst that can mine my own data purely because I'm self taught out of absolute necessity (my company needs qualified data people, and I have tight deadlines, and I'm a nerd). The problem with that is once people see that ability in you they take advantage of you. So, I'm always slammed with data requests from all over the place that have nothing to do with my actual job. So, I spend ridiculous hours building tableau, power bi, and Dax queries to make other people's jobs easy (after work hours, often). Well, not sure what came over me yesterday. But, gave the “you'll need to send this request to IT” and “Jane in Department A should be able to help you with this” reply yesterday to not one, but TWO WHOLE FUZUCKING REQUESTS!! Sorry for screaming, but it felt incredible. New Year,…

I'm not a data scientist. I'm a financial analyst that can mine my own data purely because I'm self taught out of absolute necessity (my company needs qualified data people, and I have tight deadlines, and I'm a nerd). The problem with that is once people see that ability in you they take advantage of you. So, I'm always slammed with data requests from all over the place that have nothing to do with my actual job. So, I spend ridiculous hours building tableau, power bi, and Dax queries to make other people's jobs easy (after work hours, often).

Well, not sure what came over me yesterday. But, gave the “you'll need to send this request to IT” and “Jane in Department A should be able to help you with this” reply yesterday to not one, but TWO WHOLE FUZUCKING REQUESTS!! Sorry for screaming, but it felt incredible. New Year, new me biznitches!!!

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