
I have symptomatic Covid. Manager says if I don’t find my own coverage for the next 5 days, I will be written up as a “no show” and possibly fired.

So I work part-time for a certain large pharmacy chain. Manager is already causing scheduling problems, but that’s a whole other thing. I have been feeling terrible for the past 2 days…. Hard cough, sinus congestion, no taste, awful headache. Tested myself this morning and came up positive. So naturally I text the district/store manager to let her know. The response I got back : “you need to call the store and find your own coverage for the next 5 days. If no one will cover, then you will be written up as a no-show and will be marked for potential termination” I’ve worked in various retail settings for over 20 years. I have always contacted the manager and they have contacted everyone and found coverage (and when I have been manager, I did it for any sick employee). It was part of the job!! What she is doing seems…

So I work part-time for a certain large pharmacy chain. Manager is already causing scheduling problems, but that’s a whole other thing.

I have been feeling terrible for the past 2 days…. Hard cough, sinus congestion, no taste, awful headache. Tested myself this morning and came up positive. So naturally I text the district/store manager to let her know.

The response I got back : “you need to call the store and find your own coverage for the next 5 days. If no one will cover, then you will be written up as a no-show and will be marked for potential termination”

I’ve worked in various retail settings for over 20 years. I have always contacted the manager and they have contacted everyone and found coverage (and when I have been manager, I did it for any sick employee). It was part of the job!! What she is doing seems entirely out of line and frankly illegal.

Why, if I am sick, is it my job to find coverage AND if no one will cover I will be marked for potential firing??

I’ve only called out twice before in 6 months, once because my car wouldn’t start and once because I was throwing up an hour before my shift. I can sort of understand if I was constantly calling out but…..

Is this a normal thing? Have I just been in unique situations before??

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