
Best jobs for single mom of two littles with no degree?

I’m about to be a single mom of a 5 and 3 year old and I’m trying not to be stressed about being able to comfortably support us so that finances are NOT one of my stressors. I was kept from going to school and getting a degree but I’ve been a successful business owner and since closing my business for personal reasons I’ve been in banking for less than a year. A remote job would honestly be awesome, but anything that has a schedule that works well with kids (weekdays, daytime) would be great. I’m super detail oriented and creative, pretty damn sure I have undiagnosed ADHD which is probably relevant to mention, I’m great at and love writing and editing, graphic design, organizing, computers, I guess data entry, love interacting with people, huge problem solver, strong management skill set…my dream job is actually editing fiction/memoirs but I don’t…

I’m about to be a single mom of a 5 and 3 year old and I’m trying not to be stressed about being able to comfortably support us so that finances are NOT one of my stressors. I was kept from going to school and getting a degree but I’ve been a successful business owner and since closing my business for personal reasons I’ve been in banking for less than a year. A remote job would honestly be awesome, but anything that has a schedule that works well with kids (weekdays, daytime) would be great. I’m super detail oriented and creative, pretty damn sure I have undiagnosed ADHD which is probably relevant to mention, I’m great at and love writing and editing, graphic design, organizing, computers, I guess data entry, love interacting with people, huge problem solver, strong management skill set…my dream job is actually editing fiction/memoirs but I don’t think that’s an option on my immediate horizon. Would love any ideas or advice!

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