
Fired because dad died

I already quit the job anyways, but HR called me to tell me they were terminating my position because ”well we know you have been dealing with the death of your dad, but you’ve missed too many days and that’s effecting your performance.” This is the same lady that called me and yelled at me while I was having a mental health crisis, and called me the day of my dads funeral after I sent them the obituary which had the day of the funeral on it. I was doing part time due to my mental health, 3 days a week. Missed 3 days the week he died, and the following Monday for the funeral. Unbelievable that they think me not being at work makes me perform worse while I’m at work. Already have another job lined up. Reese pharmaceuticals, Cleveland ohio.

I already quit the job anyways, but HR called me to tell me they were terminating my position because ”well we know you have been dealing with the death of your dad, but you’ve missed too many days and that’s effecting your performance.” This is the same lady that called me and yelled at me while I was having a mental health crisis, and called me the day of my dads funeral after I sent them the obituary which had the day of the funeral on it. I was doing part time due to my mental health, 3 days a week. Missed 3 days the week he died, and the following Monday for the funeral.

Unbelievable that they think me not being at work makes me perform worse while I’m at work. Already have another job lined up.

Reese pharmaceuticals, Cleveland ohio.

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