
Maybe it’s a waste of my time & breath, but I really want to call my mother’s company and give them an earful

They're fucking her over royally, but she's not saying anything. She's of the “at least I have a job” generation and it fucking sucks that they know she's going to do nothing to improve her situation, i.e. quit. Sure it will accomplish nothing as this company certainly chooses profits over people (I should know, I worked there for a quick minute) but to just attempt to put out there how bad their business acumen would be enough for me.

They're fucking her over royally, but she's not saying anything. She's of the “at least I have a job” generation and it fucking sucks that they know she's going to do nothing to improve her situation, i.e. quit.

Sure it will accomplish nothing as this company certainly chooses profits over people (I should know, I worked there for a quick minute) but to just attempt to put out there how bad their business acumen would be enough for me.

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