
My coworker made jokes about a mass shooting and I ended up getting in trouble.

My coworker made a few jokes to me about shooting up my workplace. When I brought it to my employers attention they not only told the person it was me who reported them, but they also turned it on me and were angry that I was having an “inappropriate work conversation”. Like I can’t make this shit up?? My boss told me they 100% believe my coworker means nothing by this and that was the end of our conversation. So maybe RIP to me then? Any way I’ve been applying to new jobs tonight. I hate this so much because I really loved this job and now I’m scared shitless to be here.

My coworker made a few jokes to me about shooting up my workplace. When I brought it to my employers attention they not only told the person it was me who reported them, but they also turned it on me and were angry that I was having an “inappropriate work conversation”. Like I can’t make this shit up?? My boss told me they 100% believe my coworker means nothing by this and that was the end of our conversation. So maybe RIP to me then? Any way I’ve been applying to new jobs tonight. I hate this so much because I really loved this job and now I’m scared shitless to be here.

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