
Update as promised

UPDATE as promised Manager had her lil meeting this morning and heres the highlights: Announced those who haven't been provided uniform pants (only me, literally) MUST purchase black dockers to wear. Effective IMMEDIATELY- Anyone not wearing APPROVED pants will be wrote up and/or fired (umm…what?) All prior agreements extending the 7:30 start time to 8:00, (which were given to those with children whose daycare start times conflict with the 7:30 work start time) are IMMEDIATELY VOID **told those who tried to object that “It ain't my problem” After meeting Daughter in law (who they equally hate cause she's pregnant and considered as my own kid) asked to be put on lifting restrictions (not over 50lbs, same as i had) and was told “I don't think so”, then tried to put her on an assignment that has the most and heaviest lifting activity. She reiterated that it was not safe at…

UPDATE as promised

Manager had her lil meeting this morning and heres the highlights:

  1. Announced those who haven't been provided uniform pants (only me, literally) MUST purchase black dockers to wear.
  2. Effective IMMEDIATELY- Anyone not wearing APPROVED pants will be wrote up and/or fired (umm…what?)
  3. All prior agreements extending the 7:30 start time to 8:00, (which were given to those with children whose daycare start times conflict with the 7:30 work start time) are IMMEDIATELY VOID
    **told those who tried to object that “It ain't my problem”

After meeting
Daughter in law (who they equally hate cause she's pregnant and considered as my own kid) asked to be put on lifting restrictions (not over 50lbs, same as i had) and was told “I don't think so”, then tried to put her on an assignment that has the most and heaviest lifting activity. She reiterated that it was not safe at the quantity and weight, so they claimed she was “refusing to work”.
Might be worth mentioning, we only weigh between 103(me) and 109(her)
Thankfully, we both have some very loyal friends who stick close so they can witness everything. Speaking of which…
One pulled me to the side after the meeting to tell me what was said about me before I got there yesterdays, regarding me filing for partial unemployment.
Apparently, the manager announced to all present coworkers that I filed and how “She is so stupid! This is the stupidest thing she could have done!”.

Anywho…its been a week so she should get notified tomorrow that she has been charged with a federal violation for refusing to allow anyone to clock in when they are extra, doubly-required to.
Todays paperwork is a gift for mid February –
Happy Valentines Day to me!
Next weeks delivery, coming all the way from the depths of DOL (paid extra shipping, ), will be the highlight of all of January

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