
What didn’t answer my phone yesterday on my public holiday and was told not to bother coming in today.

Work rang at 7:00pm last night while my family and I watched a movie. We have a no phones policy when watching a movie so I left my phone in the bedroom. 30mins into the movie I use the toilet in my bedroom and hear a ding on my phone. In a 10min period I had been called 8 times followed by a text that told me not to bother coming in tomorrow. I have worked for this company for 19 years. The pay is shit and I have done every single after hours job they have asked me to do (no overtime either) but because I don't answer them within 10mins im told to have a day off against my will. Wonder if they know I won't be coming Monday either. What a joke.

Work rang at 7:00pm last night while my family and I watched a movie. We have a no phones policy when watching a movie so I left my phone in the bedroom. 30mins into the movie I use the toilet in my bedroom and hear a ding on my phone. In a 10min period I had been called 8 times followed by a text that told me not to bother coming in tomorrow. I have worked for this company for 19 years. The pay is shit and I have done every single after hours job they have asked me to do (no overtime either) but because I don't answer them within 10mins im told to have a day off against my will. Wonder if they know I won't be coming Monday either. What a joke.

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