
No raise, no bonus, time for new job

I’m so sick of living in the end-stage capitalist bullshit that america is. I’ve been with X company (in the banking business) for almost year, recently moved departments. And once a year they give a bonus and at your “evaluation” (on your anniversary date) you get a raise. My new boss told me yesterday that I will not be receiving a bonus as I am new in the department and that I likely would not be receiving a raise either because I “won’t be able to prove”what I “have contributed to the team to deserve a raise” am I the asshole?

I’m so sick of living in the end-stage capitalist bullshit that america is. I’ve been with X company (in the banking business) for almost year, recently moved departments. And once a year they give a bonus and at your “evaluation” (on your anniversary date) you get a raise. My new boss told me yesterday that I will not be receiving a bonus as I am new in the department and that I likely would not be receiving a raise either because I “won’t be able to prove”what I “have contributed to the team to deserve a raise” am I the asshole?

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