
Filling out applications is completely unfair

Anyone ever realize it's so unfair when it comes to filling out applications? Even if you have the qualifications for the job your application just gets thrown in with the others and you still have to hope you get picked. We don't even know if they are picking other people who are not qualified for the job over those who are just because they turned on the charm during an interview. Or because they happen to know people in the industry. Then after all the effort of filling out an application you don't even get a “good” reason why you weren't picked. They either have bots send messages that they are moving on from you or the manager you had an interview with never tells you why you weren't picked. It's always the same bullshit answer when they say “we are looking at other candidates for the job”. How about…

Anyone ever realize it's so unfair when it comes to filling out applications? Even if you have the qualifications for the job your application just gets thrown in with the others and you still have to hope you get picked. We don't even know if they are picking other people who are not qualified for the job over those who are just because they turned on the charm during an interview. Or because they happen to know people in the industry. Then after all the effort of filling out an application you don't even get a “good” reason why you weren't picked. They either have bots send messages that they are moving on from you or the manager you had an interview with never tells you why you weren't picked. It's always the same bullshit answer when they say “we are looking at other candidates for the job”. How about telling me what I did wrong? Or the bot point out what made me not qualify for the job instead of an automatic “sorry we didn't pick you”. Filling out applications only to keep getting denied with little to no reason is so demotivating. Then THEY are the ones who want to complain that people are lazy and aren't looking for work. People aren't “lazy” they are just done throwing their applications out there and just hoping for a miracle that they get picked. We need a better hiring system!

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