
Boomer CEOs still arguing about job descriptions and employee benefits

So I am currently listening to a panel of high level bankers speak about their jobs. They all seem really nice, but they’re hammering home how work considerations, pay, benefits, pto, commute, work location, etc,. Shouldn’t be so important to new employees. They are arguing that prospective employees should want to just “be here and make a difference”, and that those other things should be secondary Additionally, they keep reinforcing how loyalty is the most important thing, and it keeps you in one place for 30 years as opposed to job hopping for better opportunities. It’s amazing to me that boomers are still grasping at straws to hammer these ideas home. They hate that millennials and Gen Z actually want to live their life and not work until they die. They hate that we want a fair wage and the ability to structure our lives for our mental health. It’s…

So I am currently listening to a panel of high level bankers speak about their jobs. They all seem really nice, but they’re hammering home how work considerations, pay, benefits, pto, commute, work location, etc,. Shouldn’t be so important to new employees. They are arguing that prospective employees should want to just “be here and make a difference”, and that those other things should be secondary

Additionally, they keep reinforcing how loyalty is the most important thing, and it keeps you in one place for 30 years as opposed to job hopping for better opportunities.

It’s amazing to me that boomers are still grasping at straws to hammer these ideas home. They hate that millennials and Gen Z actually want to live their life and not work until they die. They hate that we want a fair wage and the ability to structure our lives for our mental health. It’s exhausting listening to this.

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