
Employer switched doctor appointment policy

Hi, I'm posting again because my employer (small family-owned biz in KY) has changed some policies that make life harder for everyone. I'm processing all of this while I work on my resume… We only have 3 Sick Days a year. (I have less because I've been with the company for 6 months) And we only have 10 days of PTO. They did have a nice “make it up” policy where we could stay an extra hour or so to make up time if we had a doctor/dentist appointment. Now, that's being pulled and they're saying we have to use our time off. “Make the appointments before or after work, or use PTO”. IT'S A 8-5 SHIFT! What doctor has hours outside of 8-5 m-f? (Internal scream into the void!) If you have an appointment during work hours you are now forced to use sick time or PTO, which is…

Hi, I'm posting again because my employer (small family-owned biz in KY) has changed some policies that make life harder for everyone. I'm processing all of this while I work on my resume…

We only have 3 Sick Days a year. (I have less because I've been with the company for 6 months) And we only have 10 days of PTO. They did have a nice “make it up” policy where we could stay an extra hour or so to make up time if we had a doctor/dentist appointment. Now, that's being pulled and they're saying we have to use our time off. “Make the appointments before or after work, or use PTO”. IT'S A 8-5 SHIFT! What doctor has hours outside of 8-5 m-f? (Internal scream into the void!) If you have an appointment during work hours you are now forced to use sick time or PTO, which is already very little.

I have medical issues – not that it's my employer's business. This forces me to use up my tiny amount of sick time which is already gone and it's still Jan. And now, I have to dip into my PTO just to go to regular doctors' appointments. I have a body that requires more doctor visits than a “well” person.

The question is – is it legal? I know it's not fair, but is this any kind of discrimination against people who have medical issues? I really don't know and am genuinely asking. So please don't be mean. Feeling very small and attacked this week already. :'(

Thanks, everyone.

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