
As a nurse in Oklahoma, my hospital coerces us select “I certify that I took a 30 minute lunch break” when we clock out even when we haven’t. Is this legal?

Just like the title says. We receive verbal reprimands if we select “no” and have to give a reason and it “looks bad” to higher management. Like most hospitals, we are short staffed and if we are able to eat lunch at all, we just scarf our food down when we get a moment because we have patients. I can confidently say nobody on my floor actually sits down for 30 minutes a day and eats lunch, yet we are coerced into saying we do and have the 30 minutes docked from our paychecks. I tried to look up laws and regulations but it's a bit overwhelming for me at the moment.. just looking for some fire power to bring to my supervisor and coworkers so we can unite and be honest when we clock out, and get paid what we work. Thanks in advance!

Just like the title says. We receive verbal reprimands if we select “no” and have to give a reason and it “looks bad” to higher management. Like most hospitals, we are short staffed and if we are able to eat lunch at all, we just scarf our food down when we get a moment because we have patients. I can confidently say nobody on my floor actually sits down for 30 minutes a day and eats lunch, yet we are coerced into saying we do and have the 30 minutes docked from our paychecks. I tried to look up laws and regulations but it's a bit overwhelming for me at the moment.. just looking for some fire power to bring to my supervisor and coworkers so we can unite and be honest when we clock out, and get paid what we work. Thanks in advance!

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