
“It’s ok for us to overwork you, but it’s not ok for me to be overworked!”

Is a real thing my boss said to my coworkers and I yesterday. We work in an (expensive) doctor’s office and the boss has been up out butts trying to get the whole schedule filled. Now, in the chaos he says this. Never forget what they think of you. Your humanity is more important than the profit they rake in from us. (He makes what I make in two weeks in less than two hours)

Is a real thing my boss said to my coworkers and I yesterday. We work in an (expensive) doctor’s office and the boss has been up out butts trying to get the whole schedule filled. Now, in the chaos he says this.

Never forget what they think of you. Your humanity is more important than the profit they rake in from us. (He makes what I make in two weeks in less than two hours)

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